Daily Motivations

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A few months ago one of the Team in Motion leaders joined a group in Facebook that sends out a Daily Motivation - basically a link to a daily blogger post. The blogger, Charlene Summers, is really awesome. Although we've never met, I'm in the same mindset with alot that she posts. I enjoy getting her links and would like to share the Daily Motivations with my own blog readers and team.

Here's a little sampling of the Daily Motivations blog:

      Live Your Potential: Stay in the Game if you want to win!

      The law of averages is on your side.

      The more you try, the greater your chances of succeeding.

      Taking a risk is often the first step towards success.

      If you don't take some risks, you won't get the chance to succeed.

      While you are trying, you are winning. Never get discouraged.

      Every wrong attempt is another step forward.

      People that make no mistakes usually don't make anything.

      Make up your mind not to merely overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in spite of a thousand defeats.

      Your mistakes are stepping stones to success and your installment payments to victory.

      Warmest Regards,
      Charlene Summers

      Visit Daily Motivations for more details

Shout out to Charlene! thanks for the daily updates in my Facebook inbox. I'm off to request your Free EBook - Six Concepts to A Successful Home Business!

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