Garden of Prospects

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As a family, we've been busy getting the garden ready for a couple of months now. We are already enjoying the fruits of our labor with the first harvests of the season. We've been enjoying garden peas, lettuce and now peppers in the vegetable garden. The berries have been ripe and our desserts have included strawberries and raspberries. Everyday the kids run out into the garden to see how what they can fill their 'harvest' baskets today.

We were surprised that the bugs are at an all time low count this year, possibly because of the rain. Yes, there is an abundance of snails but did you know that a cup of beer attracts them. Maybe they just crawl in and get drunk - but I'll gladly share a beer with a slug to spare my vegetable crop and flower beds!

Granted, the weeds are in full bloom too. I make an honest effort to fully weed once around the yard during a 7 day cycle. We just put in a couple of hours per day to make sure that we stay on top of the weeds and keep the beds looking fresh and delicious. The extra rain has also given us a run for our money with the mowing, edging and trimming - this is another dutiful task we must attend to once per week. fortunately my spouse and I rotate the mowing tasks to reduce the overall burden and focus more on the enjoyment of our yard. We laugh that someone has invented the slow-growth lawn seed - maybe we could just put in astroturf and cut out mowing all together!

I've been keeping a journal so that I know where I planted the seeds and what type of 'leaf' to look for in certain beds. The seedlings are really sprouting up and we're so thrilled to have the sunflowers and gladiolas showing some heighth now. (NOTE: if you plant sunflowers alone you might attract some deer, putting out the glads close by will deter the deer and provide the beautiful variation in heighth and color). With all the work, I got to go through all these experiences and sure enough the results are ALWAYS amazing and the fruit is more delicious than ever expected! My garden is always reflective of my efforts and its an opportunity to give to the wildlife in my yard, the neighbors and bring fresh produce to the family dining table!

So what is all this garden and yard talk have to do with network marketing. Well, in fact I have a favorite analogy related to Planting Pumpkin seeds. We just looked at the calendar and realized this past weekend was the perfect timing to plant pumpkins. Pumpkins take 100 days from seed to harvest and that will take us into about October 20th. just in time for fall and perfect for carving and decorating for our autumn yard theme. My experience with 'indecisive' prospects in network marketing that it could take up to 90 days for some to join your business. If you considered your business like a farmer, you would be 'planting seeds' when you are prospecting. The law of sowing and reaping always works, and it always works the same way for everyone.

I appreciate this passage "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men. " I really enjoy sharing bHip Global products and the business opportunity with others. My commitment and passion is contagious - some will join, some will admire and some just wont. Any of those conditions dont really impact my determination and my business - because my passion is my own and I love bHip Global!

Jim Rohn tells the story the best and I would recommend taking a moment to listen to this recorded audio The Law of Sowing and Reaping. if you choose to download the 2.4 Meg audio, rather than listen to streaming audio, simply enjoy Jim Rohn Sowing and Reaping This audio was provided by someone on the internet and I was really grateful to find it so I could share it with you today. Are you "the ambitious sower with excellent seed" ?

I've been enjoying the Jim Rohn Year Long Coaching program and I'm thankful to download a new weekly instruction from his program each week. He tells us, "Wherever you are Be THERE!" Simple words like this message from Jim Rohn give Great Meaning in your life when you really pay attention to your heart and your desire. Learning this is how I got rich. Thank you Jim Rohn for teaching us the Law of Sowing and Reaping.

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