Blog Action Day: Fuel Cell Vehicles

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In honor of Blog Action Day here is how my little town Can Make A Difference and Effect Climate Change!

Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCV) are manufactured here in Honeoye Falls, New York by US car giant General Motors. These FCV are test models and you can see them driven around our little town. On one occasion, our cub scout troop had a special visit from the GM reps to learn about the technology. Our son was invited to sit inside the FCV when one of the GM employees was in the local grocery store parking lot. Several GM employees live on our street and during our family walks we have stopped so the children could have a brief visit about Energy Conservation and the potential Impact of Fuel Cell Vehicles.

The emerging technology of FCV has the potential to significantly reduce energy use and harmful emissions, as well as our dependence on foreign oil. FCVs will have other benefits as well. Click on NOVA scienceNOW , to learn more about the pros and cons for Fuel Cell Vehicles.

The FCV do NOT use gasoline or oil to operate the motor and mechanics of the vehicle. Similar to battery-electric vehicles, FCVs are propelled by electric motors. however FCV do NOT store electricity in a battery. FCVs create their own electricity. Fuel cells onboard the vehicle create electricity through a chemical process using hydrogen fuel and oxygen from the air.

Pure hydrogen FCVs emit no pollutants, only water and heat; while those using hydrogen-rich fuels produce very small amounts of air pollutants. In addition, FCVs are twice as efficient as similarly sized gasoline or diesel vehicles.

The availablity of Fuel Cell Vehicles to the consumer is still a long road ahead. Significant research and development is required to reduce cost and improve performance. We must also find effective and efficient ways to produce and store hydrogen and other fuels.

The United States has established a FreedomCar and Fuel Partnership Plan with General Motors.

    The Mission

    The mission of the Vehicle Technologies Program is to develop more energy efficient and environmentally friendly highway transportation technologies that enable America to use less petroleum. The long-term aim is to develop "leap frog" technologies that will provide Americans with greater freedom of mobility and energy security, with lower costs and lower impacts on the environment.

    The Vision

    Transportation energy security will be achieved through a U.S. highway vehicle fleet of affordable, full-function cars and trucks that are free from petroleum dependence and harmful emissions without sacrificing mobility, safety, and vehicle choice.

We are really grateful that General Motors has set up their research facility in Western New York. They have hired hundreds of employees to work at the Fuel Cell facility, which improves our little town and keeps local business thriving.

Watch this video. This is an interview with a General Motors employee about their fuel cell car.

Thank you General Motors for making a difference and hiring hard working Americans to help you with the research. In Honeoye Falls, New York, we are taking action to Affect Climate Change with Fuel Cell Vehicles.

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