We start each day in our house with gratitude and as we discuss the plans for the day at the breakfast table, I am quickly reminded of why I chose to work at home. We are relaxed, there's no rush hours or scrambling to get into the rat race, there's very little stress and no boss - we're just enjoying the pace that we set. Imagine, laughter filling a house - giggling and joy. Plenty of time to smell the flowers and jumping in the puddles because we give ourselves permission to take it easy. One day at a time. I had always hoped that my life would be rich - sure, we have recently been fortunate enough to get organized and announce that we are debt free,( being debt free is incredible in and of itself...) but the wealth I'm talking about is related to the joy in our family, the gratitude we have, the hugs, the smiles, the encouragement, the serenity as described in As A Man Thinketh. Literally, no one is crying over spilled milk at the breakfast table in our house. When your focus is on gratitude, you get more of it. Man becomes what he thinks about. I'm thinking about being rich - and when I take inventory of my life, I am a millionaire. We are truly giving our children A Better Childhood.
I am constantly reminded of the great people who have trusted me in business and joined the Team in Motion. Last night Mike J from Canada called to help with a few prospects. I reported that 25% of my business partners are still active - that's remarkable to me. If you have been in the industry long you might have heard that 95% of network marketers fail. We're beating the odds here and its because we stay in the game. I was also grateful to discuss how our bHip Energy sample campaign is very successful - we have converted 10% into repeat customers (the earnings from those sales paid for all the samples & shipping costs, so we're very grateful for our new retail customers). 125 new bHip Global distributors joined my business already this month, August 2009. I'm so humbled by the volume of business and networking that is taking place with bHip Global. Mike showed me some new features with our marketing system - and I was grateful to send out some thank you emails using the autoresponder series within TeamInMotion. Following up with a thank you to all those who have sampled bHip Energy is just one more way we go the extra mile. We are the Team in Motion. Thanks Mike J for your encouragement - looking forward to our new bHip distributor in Mexico coming on board with our Team in Motion, just in time for Kosta's visit. Go bHip Mexico !!! I appreciate your leadership. Mike J. See you in Vegas!
Shout out to the new bHip Buzz in Chicago - we are so grateful that you enjoy bHip Energy and we're looking forward to expanding with your networks. The small investment of time has paid off - you know we are called the Team IN Motion so we'll be organizing bHip Events in Chicago very soon. Stay tuned, Chicago! President Obama election brought a new wave of energy from the millionaires in Chicago - I knew there would be alot of momentum with that great state of Illinois this year! Thank you for your investments with bHip Global and let's go tell the world. bHip in Chicago, baby!
Our bHip Florida team stepped up last night with getting a new rank advancement. Congrats on your success. As a Team, lets look at expanding your Florida network. As Kosta told us in Hip University training to build locally to $10K - its completely possible with bHip Florida. we can expand into bHip Puerto Rico or look for distributors in Georgia or Louisiana. Keep it local guys - and we'll plan our next team party at Disney World!
Some other exciting news - Kosta is in Toronto for the next few days as he is heading out on another world tour. My bHip Global distributors in Ontario Canada are invited to meet up with our Master Distributor. I am sooo jealous that you all get to have Kosta in your town several times a month. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity and congratulations on the success of bHip Toronto. Thank you for continuing to get out there and give presentations about bHip Energy. I'm really proud of you guys and glad to have your energy on the team. I call you The bHip Ninjas! bHip Toronto is kicking it up! Awesome!
Plans are confirmed for bHip Vegas 2009 - our annual event is coming up quick in September. The Marriott hotel looks like a castle and the details of the weekend are unbelievable. It will be nice to get a little weekend vacation in the city that never sleeps! There's still a few openings if you want to attend bHip Vegas. we're going to Vegas, baby!
We love bHip! thank you and have a blessed day!
bReady bFirst bHip Global
PromoteBHip Global with Dee Dee Williams
The Beat Goes On
Author DD of A Better Childhood
Keywords bhip, bhip chicago, bhip florida, bhip mexico, bhip pink, bhip toronto, bhip vegas, team in motion