I am on the edge of my seat as the race is about to begin. During the month of August 2009, we will give 300 people free samples of bHip Energy, free samples of Noni Gia and free samples of bHip Pleasur. We are working on getting some samples of La Core Anti Aging Beauty Line for all you lovely ladies out there; As of June 2009 the new bHip Global product La Core Beauty, is only available for bHip Global 1 Star Leaders in Hong Kong. For more information, request Free bHip Samples.
- Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
- lyrics by Enimem "Lose Yourself"
You can only imagine the adrenal if you have ever experienced the anticipation of something awesome. There is NO CHARGE FOR AWESOMENESS. When you have a passion for your business, like me, Dee Dee Williams LOVES bHip Global, and you have stayed committed to the goal to the best of your ability, like I have been a Distributor for bHip Global since the PreLaunch. For me, personally, bHip Global is an exciting and lucrative business opportunity. I believe in bHip Global 100%, I have partnered with the bHip Global Master Distributor, Kosta Gara - he's a Millionaire in Motion. Do you know what that means? Kosta did it before and Kosta will do it again. I have that same philosophy when it comes to success - and Kosta Gara set the bar HIGH. Unlike some rising millionaires who might plow you done or use you to get to their goal, Kosta Gara invites you to join him on stage to achieve the Millionaire Rank. Kosta Gara came out of retirement to Go Tell the World, Before the World Tells You! This is what propels me to provide 300 exposures in the next 30 days. Request your Free Samples of bHip Energy - Just like my website says Requesting a Sample is Easy.
Part of a massive Free Sample Challenge is the mindset and the commitment - you have to have Integrity, Motivation, and be 100% in the Game. Every day I listen to the bHip Blueprint. I, Dee Dee Williams invite you to listen to the recorded audio, bHip Blueprint on my website bHip Daily, so you can feel the bHip Energy and begin to shift your millionaire mindset - this is about letting go of the old poor way of thinking. Bob Proctor talks about it all the time - if you are willing to allow the shift of a paradigm, even just the slightest change can propel you into a totally different lifestyle. I am so pumped with excitement for the Request Free Samples of bHip Campaign I am about to launch - the start of the challenge is in 4 days - if you have evered wondered about any of the products in the bHip Global Product Catalog - now is the time to Request Free Samples of bHip.
As committed bHip Global distributors, we have mass produced our bHip Energy Sample kits - its been an entire family project gearing up for this Free Sample challenge. Yes, we had to have LOTS of bHip Energy product on hand for this Free Sample Challenge, so we selected the 1 Star Global Leader business builder package from bHip Global. (by the way, Becoming a 1 Star Global Leader with bHip Global was the best $1500 we have invested in for a very long time - stay tuned for more information about doubling your money with the bHip Global Return on Investment). That bHip Global purchase gave us 1440 samples of bHip Energy Blend - would you like a Free Sample of bHip? Requesting a Sample is Easy - just visit our site Send Free Bottle to request your bHip Sample today. One of our upline has a bHip Global YouTube Video about sampling - we'll be posting more videos shortly so you can see how massive our campaign is! We started with a Microsoft Project - so we could keep track of all the action steps required to do a massive Free bHip Samples Campaign. The biggest action step is committing to a Thirty Day Challenge - this is not a project for the faint hearted or uncertain. (This is a massive Free Sample Requests challenge and Dee Dee Williams will be giving away hundreds, possibly thousands of Samples of bHip Energy Drink. We'll get more bHip Energy if we have to so that Every Request is filled.) If you want to try it before you buy it, Request bHip Energy Samples today - Like I said, requesting a sample is easy! Its free and there is no obligation. We're just having so much fun!
Today we have to finish printing the bHip Global brochures and Dee Dee Williams bHip Global business cards. We hand wrote the bHip Global Free Sample thank you notes and we'll be putting the postage on those ready to put your bHip Free Sample and followup with a Thank you in the mail today. We have the exclusive Dee Dee Williams bHip Sample followup system in place - and we are really passionate about making this 30 Day Challenge a success! Simply visit our website DeeDeeWilliams or click here to Request bHip Energy Sample to help us with our goal during the Thirty Day Challenge. We have changed our website Name to Ask DD for Free SAmples - we are serious about giving about bHip Energy samples because we believe in the product and we are serious about minding our business!
have a Blessed Day!
p.s. on a side note, as a bHip Global Leader who cares about my team, the very first thing I do when you join my bHip Global business, is set up a bHip Sample Website for the new distributor. I have created websites & capture forms from day 1 and all over my bHip Global team can be found on the internet sampling bHip Energy. Since bHip Global is in start up (less than 2 years old), in the early days the company didnt have a bHip Sample Request System. The bHip Energy Sample Request Form is in place now with Team IN Motion, the sister site for bHip Global. All of my personal downline in bHip Global and the next generations of distributors that are in my genealogy have a personal bHip Sample Request form, either with TeamInMotion or on their own domain or blog. Its likely that if you look in the search engines for bHip Energy sample, you will be working with one of my personal teammates. That thrills me and I am so grateful to work with an awesome network of bHip Global distributors who are commited to internet marketing and give away free samples of bHip Energy. Its never been so easy to request a sample! Try bHip today!
bReady bFirst bHip Global
PromoteBHip Global with Dee Dee Williams