This past week was my exciting brush with greatness and elbow rubbing with millionaires - I especially am grateful for visitors and friends that find my blog through their travels. A Better Childhood offers a little bit of encouragement - this is the freedom to be you. I am so happy and grateful to celebrate with my mentors, my bHip Global partners and my blog visitors.
I had a personal shout out from Jack Canfield, the renowned author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series. We exchanged some humorous comments; I was happy and grateful to Tweet about Jack Canfield because he's just contagious with his message and his wit - he's so genuine and its a honor to meet a person who is helping so many and reaches out to show his Real Personality. You are Gem in the Rough - thanks Jack for making my week awesome!
The following day I had a personal shout out from Dale Calvert. There is no doubt, if anyone knows me, that Dale Calvert changed my life - I consider myself one of his biggest fans. I will always rave about Calvert Marketing and Dale's training called 21 Ways - I found that his method of warm market prospecting is fun and easy to follow. We're on a mission to Pick a Town, Drop a Bomb. It was heart-warming to see Dale's continued humor when he responded "I hear an Explosion".
Every day I am blessed with continued Year Long Coaching program with Jim Rohn. I appreciate Jim's entire staff and the leadership of the Coach. Today is day #201 of the Jim Rohn Year Long Coaching Program - its a tremendous opportunity to grow within and build confidence. Once you have focused on personal development, you will see your business explode with momentum and partners. I think I can recite Jim Rohn Network Marketing Audio by heart - I've listened to it so often, it continues to inspire and be relevant to my business and my life.
Yesterday I received a personal email from bHip Global Master Distributor Kosta Gara. He has had a tremendous international itinerary in the most recent weeks. I am so blessed to have a partner that reaches out to me personally and makes sure I'm on track and heading to Vegas for our annual bHip Global Gala. I am looking forward to a bHip Global event in my Local area - details will follow, its going to be an exciting opportunity for me to watch others hear his testimony and I am bubbling with anticipation and can hardly think of anything else as the plans unfold for the bHip Global event scheduled in my neck of the woods.
These are just four men that have reached out to connect with me this week. I am truly blessed.
I recently added two traffic monitors to this Free 2 bHip blog - and the results have been incredible. One is counter is from and the other is a Live Traffic Feed from FeedJit. The recorded visitors are from Taiwan, United States (Connecticut, California, Texas, Hawaii, New York, Florida - just to name a few), Sweden, Hungary, Canada, Mexico. I'm so happy and grateful that I discovering blogging and ventured out to the Internet Highway to share bHip Global and my life experiences.
Take today and share some gratitude with others. Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life! I tell my children, In Every Thing that Must Be Done, there is an Element of Fun. When you have an Attitude of Gratitude - your whole day is filled with more of the same. This is truly the Law of Attraction. Carpe Diem! Hope you have a blessed day! Cheers
bReady bFirst bHip Global
PromoteBHip Global with Dee Dee Williams
Free 2 bHip with Law of Attraction
Author DD of A Better Childhood
Keywords bhip, bhip global, bhip pink, dale calvert, gratitude, jack canfield, jim rohn, kosta gara