If you are searching Google these days you might notice a suggestion list - this feature used to be available only in the suggestion labs but now is available on the main search site of Google. The suggested keywords include the estimated number of searches.
Please note: one of my favorite SEO gurus at http://seobook.com just posted a more detailed explanation about the enhanced Google search features. Thanks Aaron for all you continue to give to the community. cheers!
Here is an example of the project I'm working on.
type in the keyword bhip
Here is the results from the Google suggestions (date 28 August 2008):
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interesting how bhip samples is showing estimated results too.
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zimbio, blogspot, blogcatalog and wordpress
buy bhip is not giving any suggested results but I am grateful for those who search for bhip energy and buy bhip from my team's sites......here is the keyword buy bhip actual link results
another interesting results from buy bhip is iwannabhip, blogspot, stumbleupon, zimbio, newbreedofenergy, blogcatalog
There is good results and I am so grateful for all the opportunities I have had to share bHip Energy and these marketing success strategies with other bHip global leaders. cheers to health!
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Author DD of A Better Childhood
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