I have always said you can determine the mindset of a person by looking at the book on his nightstand or coffee table... now I say what ebooks do you have in your ipod or palmpilot.
There is a tremendous offer of FREE ebooks for all bHip Global members - unfortunately, its a bonus that isnt listed in the bHip Global Compensation Plan. I just finished reading or in some cases re-reading these books and I thought I would mention the value of the full library we give each distributor. Someone might say "I can get these e-books just about anywhere now on the internet" - I am showing this selection so you can determine the Mindset of a bHip Distributor - and if you are like minded and this is the Right Place at the Right Time, then Join the Right Team with Dee Dee Williams.
These are the FREE ebooks to build your Network Marketing Library: (Audio links to these popular Network Marketing ebooks are also available)
1. Advanced Spiritual Marketing, by Dr. Joe Vitale 30 Pages value $19.95
This e-book is a transcript of an interview with Dr. Vitale where he expands on the concepts in his best selling book, Spiritual Marketing.
The interview with Dan Klatt (InnerWealthMastery.com) and Dr.
Joe Vitale (MrFire.com)took place April 15, 2003.
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Maybe you have watched "The Secret " or read books
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2. As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen 41 Pages value $14.95
This little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that-- "They themselves are makers of themselves." By virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.
Your thoughts and your dreams determine what you are and what you will be. This little book is meant to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that they themselves are makers of themselves, by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage. Contents: Effect of Thought on Circumstances; Effect of Thought on Health and Body; Thought and Purpose; Thought Factor in Achievement; Vision and Ideals; Serenity;
3. Attitude is Everything, by Jeff Keller 125 Pages value $11.95
This is a "success manual" that gives readers a step by step plan for taking control of their lives and unleashing their incredible potential. The book consists of 12 Lessons: Your Attitude is Your Window to the World; You're A Human Magnet; Picture Your Way to Success; Make a Commitment and You'll Move Mountains; Turn Your Problems into Opportunities; Your Words Blaze A Trail; How Are You?; Stop Complaining; Associate with Positive People; Confront Your Fears and Grow; Get Out There and Fail; Networking That Gets Results.
The book shows how author Jeff Keller used these principles to make a career transition from lawyer to motivational speaker -- and shows readers how they, too, can make positive changes in every area of their lives.
4. Born Rich, by Bob Proctor 151 Pages value $12.95
You Were Born Rich gives you the COMPLETE, PROVEN SYSTEM for using the potential you have locked inside of you to achieve financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual prosperity.
Recognized worldwide as one of the most comprehensive personal development book available, Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich will open your eyes to the deep reservoirs of talent and ability that lie deep within you. You Were Born Rich contains a complete plan for developing the untapped potential in every aspect of your life, including:
* Begin to relate to Money as you SHOULD, not how society generally thinks or tells you how you should.
* Take careful inventory of your thoughts and current financial condition … because the two ARE absolutely related!
* Understand why every millionaire is a Master Image Maker who understands the absolute necessity of building the right images in one'sMind.
* Learn how to truly let go and turn your imagery over to a Power within and around you that immediately sets to work on materializing the images you hold in your Mind
* Introduce one of the most powerful words – "expectation" – into your daily life.
* Finally understand why some people keep attracting what they do not want, while others attract exactly what they do want … and the steps to take to be a member of the latter group.
* Come to understand the true meaning of "risk taking."
* Sharpen your effectiveness by implementing the principles behind "The Razor's Edge."
* Why do some people keep getting the same results year after year? You'll learn why and how to avoid it here.
* Finally, learn how to easily open the doors to all the wealth and abundance you seek.
5. Conquer Fear, by Lisa Jimenez 124 Pages value $26.95
Let best-selling author Lisa Jimenez personally teach you the tips, tricks and techniques that
thousands have already used to whip doubt and fear!
The biggest barrier that most people have to overcome is fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of making decisions. Fear of change. Fear of confrontation. Fear of loss. Fear of failure. And of course the big one – fear of success! It is this fear (and all of its cousins like worry, anxiety, and self-doubt) that paralyzes you, and keeps you from succeeding.
This special Conquer Fear! Collection will give you a practical action plan to overcome fear and shatter self-limiting beliefs. It will set you free to get on with creating and achieving what you want!
You will laugh (and be shocked) when Lisa shares the hidden messages that your behavior is screaming out. Through personal stories and humor, Lisa reveals the most common ways that people’s systems can actually repel success! You’ll learn why positive thinking by itself just isn’t enough. You’ll learn the steps to improve your results by developing a powerful belief system.
This powerful collection will help you:
* Identify and eliminate self-limiting beliefs
* Overcome hidden fears
* Stop procrastination and self-sabotage
* Reject rejection with the L.O.A. (Law of Average)
* Break through negative programming
* Raise your self-esteem and confidence level
* Create momentum to stay motivated
* Increase your bottom line
The power in this program comes from blending the two disciplines of psychology and spirituality. By blending the head and heart aspects of motivation, you will master the strongest combination of handling rejection and conquering your fear… forever!
6. Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi 236 Pages value $29.95
Your Quantum Leap into the Understanding, Having and Enjoying of Immense Wealth and Happiness
Your personal guide to Wealth Consciousness. Experience infinite wealth, abundance and happiness Here, Now, in the new Golden Age of humanity. Everything you need to be extremely wealthy and happy is inside of you, and nothing outside of you can stop you.
Discover concrete scientific evidence that proves you are a master of your own universe
Know the exact science of getting rich
Learn how to manifest your dreams and desires into reality.
Truly understand what money is and how it arises in your life.
Shift your mindset to get out of debt and start living a rich lifestyle.
Increase the moments of joy and good fortune in all areas of your life.
Learn how to change your thoughts and experience a completely new world
7. The Miracle of the Right Thought by Orison Swett Marden 116 Pages value $24.95
The Miracle Of Right Thought is a valuable addition to any inspiration, positive thinking, self-help, self-improvement, or recovery reference book reading list. It's chapters include The Divinity of Desire, Success and Happiness are for You, Working for One Thing and Expecting Something Else, Expect Great Things of Yourself, Self-Encouragement by Self- Suggestion, The Crime of the "Blues", Change the Thought - Change the Man, The Paralysis of Fear, One With the Divine, Getting in Tune, The Great Within, A New Way of Bringing Up Children, Training for Longevity, As A Man Thinketh, and Mental Self-Thought Poisoning. The Miracle Of Right Thought is a true "self-help" classic.
8. 101 Keys to Your Prosperity by Randy Gage 271 Pages value $9.95
You are meant to be healthy, happy and prosperous. Once you recognize and accept this, it is simply a case of learning the principles that abundance is based on. In this insightful book, Randy Gage reveals 101 keys to manifesting that prosperity in your own life. You will move from lack consciousness to living in the light of true abundance. You'll discover:
* What creates prosperity consciousness;
* The universal laws that govern prosperity;
* Why you should embrace critical thinking;
* The secret to creating a vacuum for good; and,
* What it takes to manifest prosperity on the physical plane.
9. Sandler Brief Vol3 Issue2 by Sandler Sales Institute 3 Pages value Priceless
SandlerBriefs are stories and scenarios that offer advice and tips on becoming a more productive salesperson by recognizing and overcoming common mistakes made by most salespeople. With topics ranging from how to continuously keep productivity up, the need to know everything about your business and industry and what you can learn when a prospect says “no,” SandlerBriefs will help both sales people and management identify and correct the behaviors that are limiting productivity.
We champion honest, no-nonsense consultative sales and management techniques that get results while preserving the individual team member’s self-respect. Our philosophy embodies a comprehensive approach to selling, the mastery of revolutionary technique and an entirely new attitude toward the sales and management processes.
Sandler not only provides the initial and advanced selling strategies and tactics needed to excel, but our training enables people to develop the attitudes and implement the behavior necessary to reach the highest levels of success.
10. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles 80 Pages value 14.95
Publishers Weekly
"...His is a gentle philosophy which excludes competition and cheating, and encourages cooperation."
Product Description
The 100-year-old book that inspired Rhonda Byrne's bestselling The Secret
* Live your dream
* Acquire wealth
* Learn a proven method for success
* Access your inner strength
* Realize your potential
Rediscover the original version of Wallace D. Wattles's 1910 classic, The Science of Getting Rich--the forerunner of every personal finance and self-help book ever written. Explore the principles that have shown generations of readers the way to riches and fulfillment in life.
"The book, as it turns out, is about getting rich - not only in terms of money but in every possible way, including relationships and health. As I read, it became clear to me that what Wattles was presenting was actually the science of life. He wrote The Science of Getting Rich in 1910 for the coal miners in his area, so the book is quite short and the language is simple. He doesn't get into philosophies or theories. He doesn't explain why or how it works. He just says, 'Do what I say and your life will completely change.'"
--Rhonda Byrne, executive producer of The Secret, as quoted in You've Got To Read This Book!
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10 Ways to Build Your Network Marketing Library
Author DD of A Better Childhood
Keywords as a man thinketh, bhip pink, bob proctor, joe vitale, randy gage, science of getting rich