When the Master Distributor calls you

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There has been some amazing opportunities to meet people and network with some incredibly talented individuals and teams since I started my network marketing career. There has been a few moments that are worthy of mentioning -

  • Meeting Doctor Oz and working on a nutrition project to improve Health Education to Cub Scouts in my area was really meaningful. I learned alot about U.S. medical practice and became an educated patient...and consider myself more informed about nutrition and my responsibility to teach others, especially my children.

  • Getting personally invited by a Multi-million dollar 12 year old nutrition company President to be a guest speaker in front of thousands of international attendees

  • Connecting with Dale Calvert and he even featured me in his latest book MLM Today 2008

  • Co-hosting a weekly radio show about network marketing, where we discuss strategy and uncover some amazing secrets

  • Receiving a personal thank you letter from Ewen Chia - that was unexpected and shows how genuine and incredibly sincere that man is

  • Life-coaching with Bob Proctor - who taught me about Quantum Leaps, Think and Grow Rich and the Science of Getting Rich. This has been one of those incredible life changing years with Bob and I am very grateful for his guidance.

  • other connections like Louise Hay, The Secret, Esther Hicks, EFT with David Childerly and then Ed Dale with the 30DayChallenge... there's so many great expansions to who I was and now who I am becoming....

    ....and then I met Kosta Gara....The Master Distributor for bHip Global.


    He has me working on a project that is exactly what I need, exactly the right match, exactly the inspiration - its that sleepless energy ... if you have ever had the opportunity to connect with someone who motivates you - when he speaks you hang on every word ... its not frightening and I dont feel intimidated at all.

    I recall being called up on stage to give my personal testimonial and as I scanned the crowd I saw him in the back (because he was the honorary guest and preparing to give the presentation) and as I looked at him, he smiled...he smiled the way someone smiles when they believe in you. From about 20 yards, I could see his face clearly and I felt humbled and confident that I was in the right place at the right time.

    This is a once in lifetime experience to be on the Master Distributors leg...to
    be in the ground floor of a company that isnt joking around...this is serious business and we are heading into 30 countries in 30 months...we are already well on our way with US, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Philippines and we prelaunced November 2007. This is amazing.

    The Master Distributor called my house tonight....he is a multi-millionaire with an incredible international travel schedule...Kosta Gara took a moment to touch base with me and make sure I am on task with my 90day blitz and as I head into the second 90DayBlitz with bHip Global ... I believe this is the Right Team...the Team in Motion. I am having the time of my life and the path is clearly laid out for me to follow. Thank you Kosta for believing in me. Glad I was here to receive your phone call tonight. I am here to Promote Bhip Global and Promote Team in Motion!

    bReady bFirst bHip Global
    Promote BHip Global with Dee Dee Williams
    Join the Right Team In Motion
  • Who is DeeDee Williams