bHip Global from the heart with Dee Dee Williams

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Its best to be sincere and show your character right away.
I believe Man Becomes What He Thinks About.
I set a plan to replace my annual corporate income with a part time work at home opportunity and bHip Global has been a reliable vehicle to reach my goals.

I joined bHip Global in December 2007. I received my first commission check within two weeks for over $780 and that immediately put me in profit. Terry LaCore is an incredible salesman and I’m a student in this industry so I want to learn from the experienced and successful. I enjoy a very simple life with my family and allow gossip to fall on deaf ears and naysayers have zero affect on me. I stayed committed through several changes including an enhancement to our compensation plan and revisions to the websites. On day 1, we didnt have tools or flyers but that was expected with prelaunch startup – so I worked through those challenges. Although I work my bHip Global business part time,I have over 2400 distributors in my business centers and we have generated more than $3 Million. In two years, I have had four vacation completely paid for by bHip Global. I purchased a new vehicle while I have been with bHip Global and am completely debt free. I achieved my dream of speaking to an audience. Before meeting Kosta Gara, I hired Bob Proctor as my personal life coach and I stated in a Vision Board coaching session that I wanted to be an Internet Marketing Expert – with bHip Global I have reached a skill level that is respected. I am a Leader among Leaders because my team promotes on the internet. We believe in our ability – it is a marketing strategy for passionate networkers and it is NOT popular with old school marketers. I am comfortable being an independent distributor of bHip Global and I am grateful that I can build a successful internet team. I am an international entrepeneur with personal business centers in 10 countries outside of the US. I have an international team – its really remarkable to be a global success. All of these reasons and more are bringing energy to my gratitude and my success is inevitable. I am happy and grateful to partner with Kosta Gara.

Like many business, people have quit included the networker that invited me to take a look at bHip Global. When you step back and look at the patterns you will see… I stayed committed to bhip Global and made money. I make residual income, every week from sales of bHip Global products. 85% of the people I invited to join bHip Global are still active. As a company, we were a startup prelaunch opportunity and we have overcome many hurdles to achieve enormous success very quickly. This is NOT a get rich quick scam. This is a business and you have to build it to be successful. I understand the commitment and when Kosta Gara told me he is personally going to help 100 people to become Millionaires – I said Count Me In. I never looked back.

I promote bHip Global whole-heartedly and I am a consumer of bHip Global products: bHip Energy, bHip Noni Gia, Tai Lee Pleasur and LaCore Anti Aging Collection. I enjoy the lifestyle of a network marketing distributor of bHip Global

If you are interested in learning more or would like to open your own bHip Global distribution center, feel free to contact Dee Dee Williams.

bReady bFirst bHip Global

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